Month: October 2014

Video: Large Retro Chest of Drawers

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I’ve been playing with videos almost all day today, testing different techniques and services provided. It is tricky to find a decent video making programme, that won’t be watermarking the clips, unless you pay for the service. Me, being me, always look for the ways to create things for free, and I don’t mind spending more time working on a video to get the great effect, instead of paying someone to do it. Although I have to say, some of the paid video editing sites had rather impressive templates… Maybe in the future. Here, I have created just a quick video promoting our new Mid Century Chest of Drawers. I have been inspired by a similar short video promoting single item on one of the websites I’ve seen today. I hope you like it!

Earlier today, I have finished other video, which took me relatively longer time to complete, but it was more complex. I had to research the nautical decor ideas and group them together into 5 different style ideas. You can see this video by clicking the link below:

Video: 5 Ways to Add Nautical Style To your Home

DIY Driftwood Sconce

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Upcycled rustic candle holder

What an inspiring project – a nautical inspired driftwood sconce. So easy to make, and it can add so much vintage charm to your hallway! All you need is two pieces of driftwood (or if you don’t leave by the sea, look for some rustic bits of wood next time you go for a country walk), a wooden wedge or a small shelf bracket, twine, one long nail and a staple gun!

Click here to read how to make this rustic sconce now!

Houzz Tip: Making Room for a Dog’s Dish

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Art of Time Management

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Time management is an art. It is such a popular phrase – ‘There’s not enough hours in a day’ and it often feels so accurate. If you have a busy lifestyle, and give yourself a number of tasks to finish in any given day, you can be dreading every time you wake up in the morning. ‘Will I complete all I have planned?’, ‘How will I juggle everything to fit it in?’. It seems like, that we ladies, are harder on ourselves then any man. I can never understand, how can you be relaxed and laid-back, if you have a full time work, other activities and things to do at home? I was always this super organised type, when I had to be packed the day before, if I was going away. I never go shopping without a list. I have a diary where I write down things I need to do each day, and tick them off when they’re done – and oh, what a glorious feeling, a simple tick sign can give!

Click to read more!

Top 5 Illustrations for Your Vintage Home

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I love illustration. It is the most inspiring form of art for me, especially modern illustration. Edgy, sharp and witty. It fits perfectly in the industrial theme, and can beautifully complete your vintage home. Here I have picked a selection of my favourite illustrations at the moment, which would fit perfectly in any rustic vintage home. Which one is your favourite?

illustration1 illustration2 illustration3 illustration4 illustration5

Art of Rustic Treasure Hunting…

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Rustic Wrought Iron Candle Holder Rustic Wrought Iron Candle Holder Rustic Wrought Iron Candle Holder

I love the moment when I come across some unusual rustic item. When browsing through heaps of old and unwanted products, I find a treasure… Last Saturday me and a colleague decided to make a trip around Devon to browse recycling centres. In one of them they had a table top sale, yet most of this items have been there for a while, and it was all filled with half broken tea cups, old vases and plumbing. Yet, it’s true in the saying, the longer you look, the more you see. After few minutes of going through the lots, I could start spotting some treasures. This rustic wrought iron candle holder was hidden under the table, with some old wiring. I couldn’t see it first, but after few rounds it jumped on me. What a beautiful, unusual thing. I love the decorative base, and sleek slender lines. Wouldn’t it look gorgeous set against white tiled flooring in the bathroom, or next to antique pine sideboard in the living room? It is made to stand on the floor, in the corner of the hallway, or as one of the vintage decor filling up the empty fireplace. There’s so many possibilities on how you can utilize the rustic beauty of this candle holder, and it will add tons of period charm to your home!

Top 5 Ideas for Rustic Wire Basket

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I love rustic wire baskets, in all shapes and sizes, the older and more battered the better! It is this particular appeal of rustic look set amongst other contemporary items that makes the whole effect really juicy and so attractive. So if you come across some fabulous rustic wire basket, what is the best way to display it and work for you? Here are our Top 5 favourite ideas for wire baskets:

1. Rustic fruit basket

Rustic wire fruit basket

2. Shabby chic bathroom storage

shabby chic bathroom storage

3. Stylish letter storage

rustic mesh basket as a mail storage

4. Practical craft box

rustic box for craft supplies

5. Rustic country cottage magazine rack

rustic magazine rack

Georgia on My Mind

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nouveau 1 ©Alex Doomer

In western Georgia (the country, not the state), there is a stunning example of Art Nouveau architecture sinking into the rustic landscape.

View original post 58 more words

Simplicity is King

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Vintage bedroom ideas Art Deco chair

Vintage bedroom ideas Art deco bamboo chair

It is true, that the best ideas are the simplest. It is often the same with the art and design. The simplicity of lines, that speaks volumes and really grabs your full attention. Let’s take Cubism with Picasso, and the simple geometric lines. People really do crave these pieces to disconnect from the busy overloaded lives. It’s the same with the interior design. Why simple lines of Art Deco ruled the minds during ‘Crazy Years’ of 1920s? It was the contrast to the busy lifestyles that really attracted everyone.

This is still true today, when we find the simplicity the most beautiful. Let’s take this Retro Bamboo Chair in Half Moon shape. One curved line makes the back and the arms rests, while legs mirror the same shape, adding symmetric curves. The bold lines are stunning, making this chair a statement piece for any living room. It will also add plenty of decadent charm to a hallway or a patio. Absolutely glamorous and distinctive vintage chair, which anyone will find irresistible…